Smart and customized filling lines
Comec designs innovative filling equipment tailored to each customer considering their production needs and product specifications. Flexible and smart solutions from the full automatic filling process to semi-automatic machines.
Gravimetric filling systems may be adopted for different format and dimensions of pails. The options may include automatic lidding system, automatic closing system for the lids and robot palletizer.
Main advantages
- Streamline all manufacturing operations
- Minimize inventories of ready products
- Cut down cleaning liquids consumption
- Minimize products & packaging changeover time
Integrated Production Line
- Gravimetric line
- Remotely controlled and serviceable
- In-line labelling
- Cartooning
- Palletizing
- Wrapping-hooding

4.0 Industry
& Supervision Software
Industry 4.0 configuration is guaranteed by a management software and customer management interface.
A PLC connected via industrial Ethernet network to all actuators, sensors and process devices and via Ethernet safety network to all safety devices allow the complete command and control of the system and the management of diagnostics, alarms and safety. The integrated use of all the devices and interfaces for the insertion and management of information allows to have a system constantly updated in real time and at the same time to archive and make the process statistics available to the KPI supervisor, in order to optimize all the variables involved in the production process, from time to raw material consumption, from energy consumption to the optimized management of production stops for cleaning and maintenance operations.
The system guarantees a remote assistance service to assist customers around the world on a 24/7 basis.