Boost productivity and capture extra-profit from Factory Operations

In most cases today, maintenance is scheduled using predetermined intervals. This often resulted in parts being replaced after a specific period even though they could have lasted much longer. In the few cases where maintenance is based on early fault detection and prediction, it is mainly centered on the maintainer’s experience and its familiarity with the equipment. Human judgement, however, is not sufficient to prematurely predict and continuously oversee the status of equipment.
To solve these problems, we launched our Digital Analytics Software which enablies machine self-optimization, increasing automation and favoring more efficient operations.
Our Predictive Maintenance Program enables end users to wirelessly predict issues and identify solutions, taking proactive steps before a problem manifests.
This reduces downtime up to 50%, allows a faster access to replacement parts, extends the life of existing equipment and brings several cost savings, including the costs of factory equipment which is reduced by up to 40%.
Main advantages:
- Reduced maintenance time and faster access to replacement parts
- Reduced downtime due to maintenance by up to 50%
- Reduced costs of factory equipment and spare parts by up to 40%
- Less breakdowns
- Existing equipment life extended
How it works:
The technological disruption in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) is the predictive analytics on IoT.
The predictive analytics on IoT accomplish the goal of smart automation for anticipating and minimizing/eliminating downtimes and unforeseen negative events in our processes and technologies.
The presence of several sensors on the equipment allow the measurement of different parameters and the identification of anomalies. Once the problem has been identified, through an AI platform, the real heart of the predictive maintenance systems, the solution is elaborated.
The final step is to implement the result in achieving higher efficiency. The process involves use of proper classification and clustering tool which helps us in managing big dataset generated by the IoT appliances.

Maintenance 4.0
Comec maintenance, supply options:
«Proactive maintenance»: activation of «counters» on selected devices for the management of a plan of maintenance interventions.
«Advanced proactive maintenance»: activation of statistic checks for the «capture» of values, send by sensors on the line, that can be marked as «out of range». These cases identify an anomalous behaviour of the devices that can cause a decrease in performances or, in the worst case, the break of a device.
Comec next maintenance 4.0:
Comec is in progress in order to supply to the customers a service of «predictive maintenance» based on the advance analytics opportunities.
Pocket device and augmented reality
With Comec as your trustworthy partner, distance no longer exists. Using TeamViewer Assist AR our expert can remotely guide the technician through the repair with augmented reality.
Forget everything you know about helpdesk!