Highly customized storage, transport and dosing systems for liquids
Comec engineering develops highly customized liquid raw materials dosing, storage and transport systems.
Our solutions:
- Silos for resins
- Rack of additives, plastic or steel IBCs
- Weighing hoppers for additives
- Low residue and self cleaning equipment
- Contamination-free and dust-free technology
- Cleaning pigging systems
Additives Storage and Dosing
Additives storage and dosing systems, plastic or steel IBCs with weighing hoppers, system for delivery to the destination tank and automatic cleaning.
With an automatic system, the dosing management takes place via the operator panel and recipe database. We also offer bulk tanks for resins.

Piping Prefabrication
3D piping design and pre-manufacturing are key elements to simplify your plant and reduce the piping lenght. Their engineering and perfect assembly are state-of-the-art, avoiding errors in the calculation of stress, load, temperature and operating pressure.
Pigging Systems
The efficient cleaning provided with pigging technology is required for many of today’s processes when switching from batch to batch.
Main advantages arising from pig cleaning system, beside the no product loss, are increased productivity and reduced downtime during product change, reduced rinsing agents and product waste, and contamination-free pipelines, thanks to integrated pigging system with CIP (Cleaning In Place) cleaning processes.